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Report No.

Measurements of normal spectral emissivity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of liquid SUS316

Higashi, Hideo*; Fukuyama, Hiroyuki*; Nishi, Tsuyoshi*; Yamano, Hidemasa   

Thermophysical properties of molten stainless steel (SUS316) are necessary to understand a core degradation mechanism in severe accidents of nuclear reactors. In this study, the normal spectral emissivity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of liquid SUS316 were measured using an electromagnetic levitation technique in a dc magnetic field. The normal spectral emissivity has a negative wavelength dependence, and a negligible temperature dependence. The heat capacity and thermal conductivity of liquid SUS316 were measured using the noncontact laser modulation calorimetry. The heat capacity presents a constant value at a temperature range from 1661 to 1778 K. The thermal conductivity has a positive temperature dependence.



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