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高温工学試験研究炉(HTTR)の内部構造を可視化する; ミューオンを利用した非接触・非破壊検査技術の提案

Visualization of internal structures of reactor core in the HTTR; Proposal of non-destructive inspection by cosmic-ray muon radiography

高松 邦吉  

Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi

福島第一原子力発電所の事故前、宇宙線ミューオンを使って原子番号の違いを検出できないか検討した結果、散乱法を用いた宇宙線ミューオンの可視化技術は、黒鉛ブロック, 原子炉圧力容器, ウラン(燃料体), 空気を識別することができた。また、福島第一原子力発電所の事故後、燃料デブリの状況を把握するため、透過法を用いた宇宙線ミューオンの可視化技術を提案した結果、原子力機構のHTTRの原子炉圧力容器(RPV)および原子炉格納容器(CV)の外側から、炉心および炉内構造物を可視化することができた。

In our study, we focused on a nondestructive inspection method by cosmic-ray muons which could be used to observe the internal reactor from outside the RPV and the CV. We conducted an observation test on the HTTR to evaluate the applicability of the method to the internal visualization of a reactor. We also analytically evaluated the resolution of existing muon telescopes to assess their suitability for the HTTR observation, and were able to detect the major structures of the HTTR based on the distribution of the surface densities calculated from the coincidences measured by the telescopes. Our findings suggested that existing muon telescopes could be used for muon observation of the internal reactor from outside the RPV and CV.



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