※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Improvement of fission gas analyzer


上原 寛之; 小椋 数馬; 宇佐美 浩二; 二瓶 康夫; 仲田 祐仁

Uehara, Hiroyuki; Komuro, Kazuma; Usami, Koji; Nihei, Yasuo; Nakata, Masahito


For the accurate measurement of the released FP gas during RIA, Gas Chromatograph was improved with the hardware approach and the software one. As the hardware approach, PDD was added to the gas detector of GC and it can detect 50 times higher sensitivity compared with the TCD. As the software approach, ETG function was adopted to deconvolute the overlapped Kr peak from N$$_{2}$$ one. With ETG estimation, Kr volume can be evaluated with the deconvolution from N$$_{2}$$ peak in neither the long measurement time nor the changing measurement condition.



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