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Summaries of research and development activities by using supercomputer system of JAEA in FY2014 (April 1, 2014 - March 31, 2015)


Information Technology Systems' Management and Operating Office


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) conducts research and development (R&D) in various fields related to nuclear power as a comprehensive institution of nuclear energy R&Ds, and utilizes computational science and technology in many activities. As shown in the fact that about 20% of papers published by JAEA are concerned with R&D using computational science, the supercomputer system of JAEA has become an important infrastructure to support computational science and technology. In FY2014, the system was used. For R&D aiming to restore Fukushima (nuclear plant decommissioning and environmental restoration) as a priority issue, as well as for JAEA's major projects such as Fast Reactor Cycle System, Fusion R&D and Quantum Beam Science. This report presents a great amount of R&D results accomplished by using the system in FY2014, as well as user support, operational records and overviews of the system, and so on.



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