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光で鉄の原子核を一気に加速; 光は天体現象や元素合成過程の解明に迫る新しい手段となるか?

Acceleration of the iron nuclei by light; Can light be a novel and complementary method to solve the problem on the nucleosynthesis ?

西内 満美子; 榊 泰直

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Sakaki, Hironao


Light, such as, High intensity short pulse laser interacting with the thin-foil target, accelerates the almost fully stripped Iron ions towards the energy of 0.9 GeV. It is quite difficult for the conventional ion sources to make the highly charged heavy ions within few tens of femtoseconds and at the same time accelerates them towards higher energies. The achievement explained here is one new step towards the novel type compact ion sources.



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