マイクロ波による混合溶液の加熱特性に関する基礎研究,2; マイクロ波オーブン内での試料最適配置に関する評価
Basic study on microwave heating of mixture solution, 2; Study on appropriate placement of the specimen in the microwave oven
加藤 良幸
; 谷川 聖史
; 高橋 直樹
; 栗田 勉 
Kato, Yoshiyuki; Tanigawa, Masafumi; Takahashi, Naoki; Kurita, Tsutomu
Plutonium nitrate and uranyl nitrate mixed solution is co-converted to MOX powder by the microwave heating method developed by JAEA. The appropriate placement in the microwave oven of the specimen is very important to improve the energy-saving performance in this conversion process. However, much labor is required to perform the plutonium nitrate and uranyl nitrate mixed solution heating examination by the microwave and the electromagnetic field analysis in the microwave oven. Therefore an electrical characteristic carried out a heating examination using the similar nitric acid solution with plutonium nitrate and nitric acid uranyl solution. Furthermore, the electromagnetism properties in the oven tried an application by a height pattern theory used for an antenna circuit. The experimental results could almost be explained by the numerical analyses.