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$$^{125}$$Te synchrotron-radiation-based M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy of Fe$$_{1.1}$$Te and FeTe$$_{0.5}$$Se

Kurokuzu, Masayuki*; Kitao, Shinji*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; Saito, Makina*; Masuda, Ryo*; Mitsui, Takaya; Yoda, Yoshitaka*; Seto, Makoto*

The $$^{125}$$Te M$"o$ssbauer spectra of Fe$$_{1.1}$$Te and FeTe$$_{0.5}$$Se$$_{0.5}$$ were measured using synchrotron-radiation-based M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy. The hyper fine field of Te in the antiferromagnetic phase of Fe$$_{1.1}$$Te was evaluated to be 4(1) T at 20 K, and this hyper fine field is considered to be due to the transferred hyper fine field from Fe magnetic moments. The evaluated hyper fine field was comparatively large, suggesting the strong correlation with the magnetic moment of Fe that forms double stripe type magnetic structure. For the superconductor FeTe$$_{0.5}$$Se$$_{0.5}$$, no marked change in its M$"o$ssbauer parameters was observed below or above the superconducting transition temperature, indicating that the change in the electronic state of Te was small.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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