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Report No.

Spontaneous formation of suboxidic coordination around Co in ferromagnetic rutile Ti$$_{0.95}$$Co$$_{0.05}$$O$$_2$$ film

Hu, W.*; Hayashi, Koichi*; Fukumura, Tomoteru*; Akagi, Kazuto*; Tsukada, Masaru*; Happo, Naohisa*; Hosokawa, Shinya*; Owada, Kenji; Takahashi, Masamitsu; Suzuki, Motohiro*; Kawasaki, Masashi*

The local atomic structures around Co in high temperature diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Co-doped TiO$$_2$$ has been investigated using X-ray fluorescence holography and X-ray absorption fine structure experiments. While the Co atoms in the Ti$$_{0.99}$$Co$$_{0.01}$$O$$_2$$ simply substituted for Ti sites in the rutile structure, a suboxidic arrangement of CoO$$_2$$Ti$$_4$$ was found to form around Co in the Ti$$_{0.95}$$Co$$_{0.05}$$O$$_2$$ films. First-principles calculations supported the stability of the aggregated suboxidic clusters in the rutile TiO$$_2$$. The suboxidic coordination may be the source of strong exchange interaction, resulting in the high Curie temperature in Co-dopedTiO$$_2$$.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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