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Report No.

ASTRID, the SFR GENIV technology demonstrator project; Where are we, where do we stand for?

Rouault, J.*; Abonneau, E.*; Settimo, D.*; Hamy, J.-M.*; Hayafune, Hiroki; Gefflot, R.*; Benard, R.-P.*; Mandement, O.*; Chauveau, T.*; Lambert, G.*; Audouin, P.*; Mochida, Haruo*; Iitsuka, Toru*; Fukuie, Masaru*; Molyneux, J.*; Mazel, J.-L.*

The Preconceptual Design phase of the ASTRID Project ended late 2012, the main goal was to evaluate innovative options. It is now followed by the AVP2 phase planned until the end of 2015 whose objectives are both to focus the design in order to finalize a coherent reactor outline and to finalize by December 2015 the Safety Option Report. The CEA acts as the industrial architect of the project. In 2014, Japan which participates now in the design studies and also in Research and Development in support of the ASTRID Project and VELAN are the latest partners to join the Project. The next important milestone is at the end of 2015 with the release by the Project team of a convincing and coherent Conceptual Design file.



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