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Effects of turbulence on the edge-core coupling in tokamak plasmas with transient edge source/sink


宮戸 直亮; 矢木 雅敏

Miyato, Naoaki; Yagi, Masatoshi


We have performed an ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence simulation to investigate effects of the ITG turbulence on the nonlocal transport found in the 4-field reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) simulation. It is found that the ITG turbulence tends to prevent the nonlocal transport of a kind observed in the 4-field RMHD simulations. The $$costheta$$ ($$theta$$ the poloidal angle) component of pressure perturbations, which is very important for the nonlocal transport, is stirred by the ITG turbulence. As a result, the $$costheta$$ component cannot connect the core region with the edge. On the other hand, the $$sintheta$$ component shows strong geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) oscillations. They are excited by zonal flows nonlinearly generated from the ITG turbulence. We further investigate effects of location of the source/sink on the nonlocal plasma response and the turbulence by the global fluid simulations.



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