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Report No.

Application of Cherenkov light observation to reactor measurements, 2; Design and trial fabrication of Cherenkov light estimation system

Yamamoto, Keiichi; Takeuchi, Tomoaki   ; Hayashi, Takayasu*; Kosuge, Fumiaki*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko 

Development of the reactor measurement system was started to obtain the real-time in-core nuclear and thermal information, where the quantitative measurement of brightness of Cherenkov light was investigated. This report was summarized the results of design and trial fabrication of the Cherenkov light estimation system from thermal power evaluation from Cherenkov light image emitted from the fuel elements. The developed Cherenkov light estimation system was verified with the Cherenkov light image emitted from the fuels in the core of Kyoto University Research Reactor (KUR). From the results, it is necessary to improve the observation method of Cherenkov light in the reactor and the evaluation method of the brightness of Cherenkov light. In future, the system will be applied for the evaluation of burn-up of spent fuels from the Cherenkov light emitted from the spent fuel assemblies in LWRs.



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