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Report No.

Defect engineering in silicon carbide; Single photon sources, quantum sensors and RF emitters

Kraus, H.; Simin, D.*; Fuchs, F.*; Onoda, Shinobu; Makino, Takahiro; Dyakonov, V.*; Oshima, Takeshi

Quantum centers in silicon carbide (SiC) have already transcended their former reputation as mere performance-hampering defects. Especially the silicon vacancies, but also other point defects offer a variety of quantum applications, completing and complementing the successful NV centers in diamond. We aim to provide an overview over the research activities on quantum centers in silicon carbide, from fundamental knowledge on the 3/2 spin multiplicity, over microwave emission and single photon sources, to axis-aware magnetic field sensing and temperature sensing. Finally, we discussed creating tailored defects in SiC using different radiation parameters.



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