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瑞浪超深地層研究所における大深度のポストグラウチング技術; 新技術を導入した設計、施工実績、湧水抑制効果の評価について

Post-excavation grouting new design, results and evaluation of a gallery at great depth in Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

辻 正邦*; 小林 伸司*; 佐藤 稔紀  ; 見掛 信一郎 

Tsuji, Masakuni*; Kobayashi, Shinji*; Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro


Pre-excavation grouting of shafts and galleries has been conducted during the construction of Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in the aspect of safe works and reducing the discharge treatment of the water inflow. The grouting methodology has been simultaneously studied and developed as there is less experience of grouting in low conductive rock with high water pressure, especially in Japan. After excavating GL.-500m gallery on the ventilation shaft side, a post-excavation grouting campaign was performed on a 16-meter section of the pre-grouted area. Three new options for the grouting design were adopted and found to be effective with sufficiently decreasing the water inflow into the gallery.



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