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Evaluation of neutron nuclear data on copper isotopes by a consistent method


中山 梓介  

Nakayama, Shinsuke


Copper is an important element relevant to heat sink material for fusion reactors, structural material for accelerator-driven systems, and so on. Therefore, more precise neutron nuclear data on copper isotopes are currently required. In addition, covariance data are also required to estimate uncertainties of various integral quantities obtained from calculation using the nuclear data. Covariance includes correlated uncertainties between different nuclear data, e.g. cross sections of different reactions. In evaluation on $$^{63,65}$$Cu of JENDL-4.0, the cross sections and angular distributions for several reactions were calculated by various computational codes. Towards preparation of covariance data, we evaluated neutron nuclear data on $$^{63,65}$$Cu by a consistent method using the CCONE code.



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