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Report No.

Evaluation of neutron cross sections of $$^{93}$$Nb in the energy range between 10$$^{-5}$$ eV and 20 MeV

Ichihara, Akira 

This year we started a new activity for the next version of Japanese evaluated nuclear data library, JENDL-4.0. The next JENDL is planned to contribute to the transmutation of nuclear wastes. The evaluation activity will be focused on structural materials in the nuclear power plants, and the isomer production data will be supplemented to the library. In this work, we re-evaluated the nuclear data of $$^{93}$$Nb. We altered the resolved resonance parameters in the energy range between 2.6 and 7.0 keV. The agreement with experimental data was slightly improved in the average capture cross section. Cross sections above the RR region were re-calculated using the comprehensive nuclear data evaluation code CCONE. We adjusted the spin cutoff parameters of level densities to reproduce the measured isomer production ratios in the reactions $$(n,gamma)$$, $$(n,n')$$, $$(n,2n)$$, $$(n,3n)$$, $$(n,alpha)$$ and $$(n,nalpha)$$ without spoiling the cross sections.



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