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Report No.

Burn-up dependency of control rod position at zero-power criticality in the high-temperature engineering test reactor

Honda, Yuki; Fujimoto, Nozomu*; Sawahata, Hiroaki ; Takada, Shoji; Sawa, Kazuhiro

The operating data of the HTTR with burn-up is very important for developments of HTGRs. There is a temperature distribution in a core in full power operation. The temperature distribution in a core makes it difficult to validate of calculation code. On the other hands, the data of the control rod position at criticality at zero power have been measured at the beginning of each operation cycle. The temperature distribution in a core at zero power is uniform. Therefore, the data at zero power are suitable for validation of calculation code. In this study, the calculated control rod positions at zero power criticality with burn-up are compared with the experimental data with correlation of core temperature. The calculated results of criticality control rod position at zero power show good agreement to the experimental data. It means that calculated result shows appropriate decrease in uranium and accumulation in plutonium decrease in burnable absorber with burn-up.



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