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Report No.

Study on sensitivity of control rod cell model in reflector region of high-temperature engineering test reactor

Honda, Yuki; Fujimoto, Nozomu*; Sawahata, Hiroaki ; Takada, Shoji; Sawa, Kazuhiro

In the HTTR, a two-step control rods insertion method for reactor scram is adopted. In the method, control rods at reflector region are inserted at the scram signal is initiated. The core should keep its subcriticality by reflector region control rods. Therefore, precise evaluation of control rods reactivity worth for reflector region is necessary. However, all cross section of control rods has been prepared for control rod in fuel region because the reactivity value of control rods in the fuel region is larger than that of control rods in the reflector region. This paper proposed the revised method of preparing the control rod cross section for first step control rod in reflector region.



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