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 年 ~ 

Review of the microdosimetric studies for high-energy charged particle beams using a tissue-equivalent proportional counter


津田 修一  ; 佐藤 達彦   ; 小川 達彦   ; 佐々木 慎一*

Tsuda, Shuichi; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko; Sasaki, Shinichi*


Track structure and energy deposition around charged particle beams in microscopic site of a living cell is important information for understanding of biological effects of energetic heavy ion beams. In this work, measurements of lineal energy ($$y$$) distributions for various kinds of ion beams have been performed for the verification of the microdosimetric function that incorporated in the PHITS code. In the international symposium focused on radiation detectors, the wall-less tissue equivalent proportional counter that developed in this study to measure $$y$$ distributions will be introduced, together with a series of data.



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