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Report No.

Strain evaluation of Mg alloy with 18R long-period stacking ordered structure under compression

Shiro, Ayumi; Shobu, Takahisa  ; Hagihara, Koji*; Izuno, Hitoshi*

Recently, Kawamura et al. developed Mg alloys with $$alpha$$-Mg and long period stacking ordered structure (LPSO) phase, which exhibit high strength, light-weight and high thermal stability of microstructure. Deformation kinking is considered as one of the important deformation mechanisms to induce excellent mechanical properties of the Mg/LPSO two-phase alloys. For practical use in an industrial field, it is necessary to clarify the further details of the mechanism of deformation kinking. In the present study, in order to evaluate the local lattice strain and structure change in LPSO phase before and after the plastic deformation, in-situ measurement using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction technique has been performed. As a result, a particular Y atom in LPSO phase was shifted about 1% atom position along Z-direction. Furthermore, the position of Y atoms had positional dependence. We found the possibility that a particular Y atom influenced a deformation kinking.



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