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Report No.

Development of evaluation method for improvement of nuclear data accuracy in MA isotopes

Mizuyama, Kazuhito; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  

Improvement of the accuracy of neutron nuclear data for minor actinides (MAs) is required for the nuclear transmutation technique. The purpose of our study is development of evaluation method for improvement of nuclear data accuracy in MA isotopes. For the accurate evaluation, it is necessary to find out the reason of the discrepancy in previous data, to development of the accurate analysis method of the resonance parameters. So far, we found out the reason of the discrepancy of the thermal neutron capture cross section in previous measurements, and succeeded the correction. However the discrepancy of the resonance integral was not improved. The energy dependence of the epithermal neutron flux which has been used for the Cd ratio method can be different from the realistic experimental condition. This may be the reason for the discrepancy among the resonance integrals. For the accurate analysis of the resonance parameters, the precise resolution function's parameters are necessary. We are planning to obtain them by using the well-known stable nucleus and will apply them to the analysis of MAs.



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