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Theoretical model analysis of $$(d,xn)$$ reactions on beryllium

Kono, Hiroshi*; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Nakayama, Shinsuke  ; Iwamoto, Osamu  ; Ye, T.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*

For engineering design of deuteron accelerator neutron sources, accurate nuclear data of deuteron-induced reactions on neutron converter (Li, Be, C, etc.) and accelerator structure material (Fe, Cr, Ni, etc.) are indispensable. Therefore we have developed a computational code system based on physics models dedicated for deuteron nuclear data evaluation. In the present study, we have analyzed the $$(d,xn)$$ reactions on beryllium at incident deuteron energies up to 65 MeV. Since there is a lot of experimental Thick Target Neutron Yields (TTNYs), double-differential $$(d,xn)$$ cross sections are calculated by the code system and then are converted to TTNYs. It is found that the calculated TTNYs reproduce the experimental ones fairly well except in the low neutron energy region.



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