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Report No.

Study on management of tritiated water for a fusion DEMO reactor

Watanabe, Kazuhito; Nakamura, Makoto; Someya, Yoji; Masui, Akihiro; Katayama, Kazunari*; Hayashi, Takumi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Konishi, Satoshi*; Yokomine, Takehiko*; Torikai, Yuji*; Tanigawa, Hisashi

In the DEMO design, the blanket primary cooling system involves high temperature pressurized water (~300$$^{circ}$$C). This means the temperature of blanket structural material is higher than that of ITER. This increases tritium permeation ratio from the fusion plasma and blanket breeder to the primary cooling water. Therefore, we need to consider installation of a water detritiation system. In this study, we estimate the demand of water detritiation system from the view point of the amount of tritium permeated to primary cooling water that assumed conservatively. We also organize the issues for management of tritiated water from the other point of view based on the characteristic of the fusion DEMO reactor. The result shows that the existing facilities can be adopted to the DEMO if we can control the tritium ratio of primary cooling water as same as that of CANDU reactor.



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