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Report No.

Hafnium adsorption on clean Si(110)16$$times$$2 single domain surface studied by low energy electron diffraction and electron spectroscopy

Kakiuchi, Takuhiro*; Katsuragi, Takuma*; Nakano, Yuji*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka ; Nagaoka, Shinichi*; Mase, Kazuhiko*

HfO$$_{2}$$ has been becoming important as a future dielectric material for future metal-oxide-semiconductor devices. In this study, surface structure, surface chemical state, and valence electronic structure after oxidation of single domain Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface have precisely measured by using low-energy-electron diffraction and synchrotron radiation photroemission spectroscopy. It was found that five possible adsorption sites (SC1-SC5) of the single domain Si(110)-16$$times$$2 surface are uniformely reacted with Hf atoms with increasing its exposure, indicating that random Hf adsorption takes place on the surface.



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