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Report No.

Strong suppression of the spin hall effect in the spin glass state

Niimi, Yasuhiro*; Kimata, Motoi*; Omori, Yasutomo*; Gu, B.; Ziman, T.*; Maekawa, Sadamichi; Fert, A.*; Otani, Yoshichika*

We have measured spin Hall effects in spin glass metals, CuMnBi alloys, with the spin absorption method in the lateral spin valve structure. Far above the spin glass temperature $$T_{g}$$ where the magnetic moments of Mn impurities are randomly frozen, the spin Hall angle of a CuMnBi ternary alloy is as large as that of a CuBi binary alloy. Surprisingly, however, it starts to decrease at about 4$$T_{g}$$ and becomes as little as 7 times smaller at 0.5$$T_{g}$$. A similar tendency was also observed in anomalous Hall effects in the ternary alloys. We propose an explanation in terms of a simple model considering the relative dynamics between the localized moment and the conduction electron spin.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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