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Report No.

$$^{3}$$H photonuclear data evaluation and preliminary study of reduction of $$^{3}$$H density in waste water by photon irradiation

Murata, Toru*; Kosako, Kazuaki*; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  

The experimental photo-nuclear data of $$^{3}$$H were measured by Faul et al. These data were analyzed with the same model as those applied to $$^{3}$$He photo-nuclear reactions to obtain production cross sections of neutron, proton and deuteron and also energy spectrum of these particles. Evaluated quantities will be contained in new Photo-nuclear Data File of JENDL. With these cross section of neutron production, feasibility study was made to reduce $$^{3}$$H density in the waste water by photon irradiation using an electron LINAC. Photon energy and angular distributions of bremsstrahlung were estimated using the method given by Hisdal, taking into account the multiple scattering of the incident electrons in the target. Preliminary results of photon energy spectrum at some emission angles and the $$^{3}$$H($$gamma$$,n)+($$gamma$$,2n) cross sections will be shown in the presentation. In case of irradiation of the waste water sample thickness of 50 cm with forward angle emission photon beam produced by 10mA electrons $$times$$ 100 sec., about a few percent reduction of $$^{3}$$H are expected with rough estimation.



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