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Recent research activities using NSRR on safety related issues

Udagawa, Yutaka  ; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki ; Amaya, Masaki  

JAEA launched ALPS-II program in 2010 in order to obtain regulatory data for advanced fuels. Five new reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) simulated tests on the advanced fuels have been performed. The first two fuels tested, VA-5 and VA-6, were 17$$times$$17-PWR-type with stress-relieved and recrystallized M-MDA cladding tube, and irradiated to ~80 GWd/tU. The cladding failed due to the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction. Fission gas dynamics tests to promote a better understanding of the behavior of fission gas during an RIA are planned. A recent qualification test on a prototype pressure sensor demonstrated its ability to obtain history data of transient fission gas release. JAEA also launched a new experiment program using NSRR to investigate fuel degradation behaviors in the temperature region beyond-DBA LOCAs.



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