※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Monitoring of radionuclide related to CTBT

木島 佑一 ; 山本 洋一 

Kijima, Yuichi; Yamamoto, Yoichi


JAEA has built and operated two radionuclide stations and a certified laboratory for monitoring of radionuclide out of facilities of the International Monitoring System (IMS) under the CTBT National Operation System of Japan. JAEA also has developed and operated the National Data Center for analysis and evaluation of radionuclide observation data obtained from the IMS station. In this paper, we explain the outline of the CTBT and the CTBT activities of JAEA, and introduce two examples of detection of some anthropogenic radionuclides including the monitoring case for the DPRK's 3rd nuclear test in February 2013 from all observational results obtained from the CTBT radionuclide stations in Japan.



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