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Arabidopsis MATE-type transporter gene FFT/DTX35 is involved in anthocyanin accumulation in seed coat


北村 智; 大野 豊; 鳴海 一成*

Kitamura, Satoshi; Ono, Yutaka; Narumi, Issey*


Despite intensive investigation on flavonoid biosynthesis, anthocyanin transport and accumulation mechanisms are not fully understood in Arabidopsis. In this study, using an Arabidopsis mutant banyuls (ban), which accumulates anthocyanins instead of colorless proanthocyanidin (PA) precursors in immature seeds, novel mutants were screened based on differences in pigmentation of immature seeds. One of the mutants, pale banyuls1 (pab1), showed a reduced level of anthocyanins in immature seeds compared to ban. Map-based cloning suggested that a MATE-type transporter gene FFT/DTX35 was disrupted in two independent pab1 mutants. Molecular complementation of pab1 with a functional FFT/DTX35 gene provides evidence that the mutation in FFT/DTX35 is responsible for the anthocyanin-less phenotype in immature seeds of pab1.



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