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Report No.

Effect of defocusing on laser ablation plume observed by laser-induced fluorescence imaging spectroscopy

Oba, Masaki ; Miyabe, Masabumi   ; Akaoka, Katsuaki ; Wakaida, Ikuo  

We used laser-induced fluorescence imaging with a varying beam focal point to observe ablation plumes from metal and oxide samples of gadolinium. The plumes expand vertically when the focal point is far from the sample surface. In contrast, the plume becomes hemispherical when the focal point is on the sample surface. In addition, the internal plume structure and the composition of the ablated atomic and ionic particles also vary significantly. The fluorescence intensity of a plume from a metal sample is greater than that from an oxide sample, which suggests that the number of monatomic species produced in each plume differs. For both the metal and oxide samples, the most intense fluorescence from atomic (ionic) species is observed with the beam focal point at 3-4 mm (2 mm) from the sample surface.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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