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Report No.

Investigation of the chemical form of ruthenium compounds in the vitrification process, 4; RuO$$_{2}$$ generation by reaction with Ru-La-Na mix nitrates and raw materials for vitrification

Nagai, Takayuki  ; Kobayashi, Hidekazu ; Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Sato, Nobuaki*; Inose, Takehiko*; Sato, Seiichi*; Hatakeyama, Kiyoshi*; Seki, Katsumi*

It is thought that a generated ruthenium compound grows from a high level radioactive liquid waste into RuO$$_{2}$$ crystal by reacting to raw materials for the vitrification process. In this study, the generation reaction to RuO$$_{2}$$ was confirmed by heating Ru-La-Na mix nitrates and the raw materials.



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