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Mutagenic effects of ion beam irradiation on chrysanthemum flower colour trait


Zaiton, A.*; Shakinah, S.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Nur Akmal, M. R.*; Siti Mardhiah, M.*; 大野 豊

Zaiton, A.*; Shakinah, S.*; Affrida, A. H.*; Nur Akmal, M. R.*; Siti Mardhiah, M.*; Ono, Yutaka

In this study, the effects of ion beams on chrysanthemum flower colour traits of were examined through morphological and molecular analysis. Ray floret and nodal cultures of ${it Chrysanthemum morifolium}$ cv. Reagan Red were irradiated at different doses using ion beams irradiation facility at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Takasaki, Japan. Morphological screening on the regenerated mutant flowers has shown that 14 different primary colour types based on The Royal Horticulture Society Colour Chart were observed. Majority of the plants produced flowers with intense or lighter colour in the red group, and a few with orange and greyed-purple colour. Molecular analysis involving three genes in flavonoid biosynthesis pathway (CHS, DFR and F3H) showed that intragenic mutation involving base substitution, deletion and insertion has occurred in mutant plants. The highest mutation was observed in F3H, followed by CHS and DFR fragments with 20.5, 17.2 and 5.5% base mutation respectively.



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