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Report No.

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase from psychrophilic ${it Pseudoalteromonas}$ sp. AS-131 isolated from Antarctic Ocean

Yonezawa, Yasushi*; Nagayama, Aiko*; Tokunaga, Hiroko*; Ishibashi, Matsujiro*; Arai, Shigeki; Kuroki, Ryota; Watanabe, Keiichi*; Arakawa, Tsutomu*; Tokunaga, Masao*

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase isolated from psychrophilic ${it Pseudoalteromonas}$ sp. AS-131 (ASNDK) was expressed in ${it Escherichia coli}$ and purified to homogeneity. Comparing to mesophilic NDK isolated from ${it Pseudomonas aeruginosa}$, ASNDK exhibited highly elevated thermolability: (1) ${it E. coli}$ expression at 37$$^{circ}$$C as a denatured insoluble form, and (2) 30$$^{circ}$$C lower optimum temperature of enzymatic activity. The subunit structure of ASNDK was suggested to be dimer, as in NDKs isolated from moderate halophiles.



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Category:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology



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