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Report No.

Development of ITER gyrotron and equatorial launcher in JAEA

Ikeda, Ryosuke; Oda, Yasuhisa; Kobayashi, Takayuki; Kajiwara, Ken; Takahashi, Koji; Moriyama, Shinichi; Sakamoto, Keishi

JADA procures 8 gyrotrons and an EC equatorial-port launcher (EL). A TE31,11 mode gyrotron is under way to realize 1.3 MW CW operation. We have achieved the output power and the total electric efficiency of 1.24 MW/45 % (2sec) and 1.13 MW/49 % (2 sec). In long pulse operation, 0.5 MW/2000 sec and 1.0 MW/200 sec were achieved. This gyrotron has also advantage for multi-frequency oscillation. Sub-frequencies such as 104 GHz and 137 GHz have already achieved. Newly, 203 GHz oscillation was demonstrated using an 8 T superconducting magnet and the output power of 0.9 MW in short pulse operation was obtained. In a development of EL, the optimized configuration of the mm-wave design consisting of both steering and fixed mirrors, beam ducts between the waveguide outlet and BSM openings were successfully developed. We have constructed a mock-up for top low and performed the low power test. The measured beam patterns and transmitted positions were agreed well with calculation results.



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