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Examination on geological potential for long-term supply of uranium resources

笹尾 英嗣   

Sasao, Eiji


According to "Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Outlook" released on July 2015, the dependence on the nuclear power plants is planned to be approximately 20 to 22 % of the electric power supply in FY2030. Because uranium is limited resource, it is useful to consider the long-term supply. Information on uranium resources are periodically reported by international and national organizations. For example, OECD/NEA and IAEA have jointly prepared periodic updates (currently every two years) on world uranium resources, production and demand (known as the "Red Book"). In this presentation, supply and demand of uranium are reviewed based mainly on Red Book, and then future possibility on increase in uranium resources in Canada and Australia is discussed. In these countries, discovery of new deposit and increase in resources are quite possible by progress of exploration.



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