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Report No.

Status of the R-matrix code AMUR toward a consistent cross-section evaluation and covariance analysis for the light nuclei

Kunieda, Satoshi  

The cross-sections on the light-nuclei are drawing attention for the ion-beam analysis, the astrophysics and the medical applications and so on. However, there still exist inconsistencies between the measured and evaluated data, which could bring a large uncertainty in the practical applications. The R-matrix formalism is rigorous and straightforward to the quantum mechanics, in which the S-matrix is deduced from the measured cross-sections in the resonance energy region. We present the status of the code with new features on the theoretical calculation and the correction for the measurements. Some example evaluations are also presented for the p + $$^7$$Li reaction. Especially, we focus on the covariance analysis on the resonance parameters and the cross-sections. This is relevant not only to the estimation of the cross-sections uncertainty but also to visualizing natures in the resonant reactions.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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