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 年 ~ 

地質環境長期安定性評価確証技術開発,2; 地質環境長期変動モデル(幌延地域)

Geosphere stability project, 2; Development of geological-evolutionary model in the Horonobe area

松岡 稔幸; 小松 哲也  ; 安江 健一; 尾上 博則 ; 大山 卓也 ; 岩月 輝希  ; 笹尾 英嗣   ; 梅田 浩司

Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Komatsu, Tetsuya; Yasue, Kenichi; Onoe, Hironori; Oyama, Takuya; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Sasao, Eiji; Umeda, Koji


This paper summarized the current status of R&D activities with development of geological-evolutionary model in the Horonobe area, northern Hokkaido. This study has been carried out in the area of approx. 100 km $$times$$ 30 km. Two stages, approx. 1 Ma and 0.33 Ma were selected for paleo-geological modeling based on geological history of several millions of years in and around the study area. 3D steady-state groundwater flow simulations and sensitivity analysis using these models were carried out. Long-term evolution of groundwater flow conditions caused by long-term geological phenomena was assessed using statistical analysis. From the results, the spatial distribution of long-term stability of groundwater flow conditions were estimated and important factors for assessment of long-term evolution of groundwater flow conditions were extracted. In addition, the results of groundwater flow simulation were analyzed from the viewpoint of geochemical environment within the groundwater.



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