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Report No.

Encapsulation of cesium from contaminated water with highly selective facial organic-inorganic mesoporous hybrid adsorbent

Awual, M. R.; Miyazaki, Yuji; Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Shiwaku, Hideaki   ; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

A novel macrocyclic ligand of di-o-benzo-p-xylyl-28-crown-8-ether (DOBPX28C8) was prepared and successfully anchored onto the mesoporous silica for the fabrication of mesoporous hybrid adsorbent (MHA) using direct immobilization approach and serving as an efficient adsorbent for Cs removal. The high amount of K (7.69 mM) was slightly affected the Cs adsorption because the hydration radius of K is close to the Cs than that of the other cation of Na. Also the Cs adsorption efficiency was more higher even in the presence of 1,025 fold K and 1,739 fold Na, respectively. The functional group of DOBPX28C8 ligand embedded onto the mesoporous silica exhibited more conformational freedom, and the benzene ring in para position was consolidated for pai-electron orientation with expanding the ring size of DOBPX28C8 for easy capturing with high selectivity and adsorption ability towards the Cs.



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Category:Engineering, Environmental



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