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$$mu$$SR study on Ce(O$$_{1-x}$$F$$_x$$)BiS$$_2$$

Higemoto, Wataru  ; Ito, Takashi   ; Asano, Takuya*; Higashinaka, Ryuji*; Matsuda, Tatsuma*; Aoki, Yuji*

Recently, it was discovered that relatively high superconducting transition temperature, T$$_csim$$10K, in layered structural system Ln(O$$_{1-x}$$F$$_x$$)BiS$$_2$$ and many studies have been carried out to clarify the nature of its superconductivity. In some system, novel behaviors were reported. For example, in Ce(O$$_{1-x}$$F$$_x$$)BiS$$_2$$ with x=0.5, superconductivity and ferromagnetism observed simultaneously. Meanwhile, in x=0 system, Kondo like behavior in temperature dependence of the specific heat without carrier was found. To clarify these behaviors, we are studying Ce(O$$_{1-x}$$F$$_x$$)BiS$$_2$$ by using $$mu$$SR technique and found that ferromagnetism is not intrinsic behavior.



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