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Report No.

Chemical state analysis of rhodium in the simulated waste glass by synchrotron radiation based imaging XAFS technique

Okamoto, Yoshihiro  ; Nagai, Takayuki  ; Inose, Takehiko*; Sato, Seiichi*; Shiwaku, Hideaki   

The imaging XAFS measurements of Ru and Rh elements was performed to investigate distribution, chemical state and correlation between the two elements in the simulated borosilicate glass samples. According to the analysis of Rh elements, it was concluded that the chemical form in the aggregated area was metallic, while that in other area was mainly RhO$$_2$$. In addition, it can be seen that the chemical form of Rh tends to be RhO$$_2$$, in the area where a lot of Ru is distributed.



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