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Report No.

A Study on transmutation of LLFPs using various types of HTGRs

Kora, Kazuki*; Nakaya, Hiroyuki*; Matsuura, Hideaki*; Goto, Minoru  ; Nakagawa, Shigeaki  ; Shimakawa, Satoshi*

In order to investigate the potential of high temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs) for transmutation of long-lived fission products (LLFPs), numerical simulation of four types of HTGRs were carried out. In addition to the gas-turbine high temperature reactor system "GTHTR300", a small modular HTGR plant "HTR50S" and two types of plutonium burner HTGRs "Clean Burn with MA" and "Clean Burn without MA" were considered. The simulation results show that an early realization of LLFP transmutation using a compact HTGR may be possible since the HTR50S can transmute fair amount of LLFPs for its thermal output. The Clean Burn with MA can transmute a limited amount of LLFPs. However, an efficient LLFP transmutation using the Clean Burn without MA seems to be convincing as it is able to achieve very high burn-ups and produce LLFP transmutation more than GTHTR300. Based on these results, we propose utilization of variety of HTGRs for LLFP transmutation and storage.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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