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Report No.

Groundwater colloid properties in sedimentary rocks; Preliminary results from the Horonobe URL

Sasamoto, Hiroshi   ; Ohara, Shigeru*

In the present study, a non-destructive technique using Particle Tracking Analysis (PTA) has been tested to determine size distribution and concentration of colloids in groundwater. The groundwaters were sampled from water-rings (4 samples) located in the vertical shafts and boreholes (6 samples) drilled in the drifts of the Horonobe URL. Results suggest that colloid particle concentrations range from 9.1$$times$$10 $$^{6}$$ to 7.8$$times$$10 $$^{8}$$ particle/mL (pt/mL) and the estimated colloid mass concentrations range from 3.4$$times$$10 $$^{-2}$$ to 4.2 mg/L for the diameter of 1 to 1000 nm, respectively. Colloid concentrations of groundwater sampled from water-rings are generally higher than those sampled from boreholes due to differences in groundwater sampling conditions. For sizes $$>$$ 100 nm of particles, colloid stability was evaluated on the basis of DLVO theory. DLVO theory predicts that particle sizes $$>$$ 100 nm would be unstable (i.e., coagulation could occur). Particle and mass colloid concentrations in the groundwater were therefore reevaluated to obtain the reliable colloid particle concentrations range from 5.8$$times$$10 $$^{6}$$ to 3.0$$times$$10 $$^{8}$$ pt/mL and colloid mass concentrations range from 2.0$$times$$10 $$^{-3}$$ to 1.3$$times$$10 $$^{-1}$$ mg/L for the diameter range $$<$$ 100 nm, respectively. Furthermore, the reevaluated results indicate a negative correlation between colloid concentrations and IS of groundwater.



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