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Report No.

WIND and WAVE experiments on aerosol behavior in pipe section under severe accident conditions

Hidaka, Akihide   

Highlights of WAVE and WIND experiments on FP aerosol behavior in piping under severe accident conditions performed at JAEA in 1990's are presented. It was confirmed that the FP gas/aerosol deposition due to thermophoresis or condensation can be mostly predicted well by conventional models. In WAVE experiments using a horizontal pipe with thermal gradient along the main stream or an upward oriented pipe, conventional deposition calculation based only on thermo-hydraulics of main stream could not reproduce well the measurements and a detailed deposition calculation was needed considering the secondary flow in the pipe cross section. In WIND experiment, effect of HBO$$_{2}$$ on Cesium deposition was investigated and the deposition mass increased due to formation of CsBO$$_{2}$$. The experimental results and chemical analyses are presented. This presentation could contribute to peaceful use of nuclear energy and its human resource development in India.



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