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Report No.

Changes in the concentrations of radioactive cesium outflowed from the steep mountainous forest of Abukuma Mountains, released by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Ishii, Yasuo; Watanabe, Takayoshi ; Oyama, Takuya ; Sasaki, Yoshito ; Abe, Hironobu ; Mitachi, Katsuaki; Niizato, Tadafumi  

Mountainous forest is currently one of the most important sources of radioactive cesium released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in Fukushima prefecture, which was covered approximately 70% of the land area by the forest. This study reports the changes in concentrations of radioactive cesium in sediments outflowed from the steep mountainous forest of the Abukuma Mountains, Fukushima, during September - December 2015.



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