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Report No.

A Beam position fiber counter with scintillation fibers and multi-pixel photon counter for high intensity beam operation

Honda, Ryotaro*; Miwa, Koji*; Matsumoto, Yuki*; Chiga, Nobuyuki*; Hasegawa, Shoichi   ; Imai, Kenichi

A beam position fiber counter consisting of the scintillation fiber and a multi-pixel photon counter was developed in order to handle a 10 MHz secondary pion beam in the J-PARC E40 experiment. This counter was installed at the entrance of the beam line spectrometer at the K1.8 experimental area in J-PARC and used for the momentum reconstruction. In order to suppress the accidental background and reconstruct the beam momentum, a good timing resolution better than 0.8 ns and a good position resolution better than 200 $$mu$$m were simultaneously required for the counter. These requirements were well achieved by reading the 320 fibers with a diameter of 1 mm, which were arranged in a staggered position, with MPPC fiber by fiber. The signal induced from each MPPC was handled with an Extended Analogue SiPM Integrated ReadOut Chip (EASIROC) developed by Omega/IN2P3 in France. In addition, the timing of the discriminated signals from EASIROC was measured by a FPGA-based multi-hit TDC implemented into Spartan-6. Finally, we obtained the timing resolution of 0.68 ns and the position resolution of 190 $$mu$$m under the 9 MHz beam condition using a pion beam.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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