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Report No.

Effects of temperature and isotopic substitution on electron attachment dynamics of guanine-cytosine base pair; Ring-polymer and classical molecular dynamics simulations

Minoshima, Yusuke*; Seki, Yusuke*; Takayanagi, Toshiyuki*; Shiga, Motoyuki   

The dynamical process of electron attachment to a guanine-cytosine pair in the normal (h-GC) and deuterated (d-GC) forms has been studied theoretically by semiclassical ring-polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD) simulations using the empirical valence bond model. The initially formed dipole-bound anion is converted rapidly to the valence-bound anion within about 0.1 ps in both h-GC and d-GC. However, the subsequent proton transfer in h-GC occurs with a rate five times greater than the deuteron transfer in d-GC. The change of rates with isotopic substitution and temperature variation in the RPMD simulations are quantitatively and qualitatively different from those in the classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, demonstrating the importance of nuclear quantum effects on the dynamics of this system.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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