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Report No.

Implementation plan of low energy electron behavior calculation code to PHITS

Kai, Takeshi   

A general purpose particle transport simulation code, PHITS, that has been developed by JAEA and some institutions can simulate the radiation behavior in arbitrary 3-D systems using nuclear reaction models, nuclear data libraries and so on. Then, this code is applied to researches of several fields which are related to radiation transport phenomena. However, as the code has a cutoff energy of 1 keV for electron transport in mediums, in addition radiolysis of the mediums are not taken into account for calculation in PHITS, application of PHITS has been limited to radiation chemistry. On the other hand, we also have developed electron behavior calculation code in water below 100 keV to imply a formation of complexed DNA damages involved in the electron, and electron impact cross sections data for energy range below 1 keV, especially. In this presentation, we report our outcomes for behavior analysis of the low energy electron in water, and implementation plan of our code to PHITS so as to application for radiation chemistry.



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