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Report No.

Development of the pump-integrated intermediate heat exchanger in advanced loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor for demonstration

Amano, Katsunori; Enuma, Yasuhiro  ; Futagami, Satoshi  ; Inoue, Tomoyuki*; Watanabe, Sota*

In the framework of GIF, SDC and SDG for the generation IV SFRs have been developed in the circumstance of worldwide deployment of SFRs. JAEA and MFBR have been investigating design study of an advanced loop-type SFR to satisfy SDC in the feasibility study of SDG for SFR. In this study, the ability of the pump/IHX in the advanced loop-type SFR for the safety measures has been evaluated. In addition to the safety measures, maintainability and reparability are taken into account in the advanced loop-type SFR design study. The pump/IHX has been modified to satisfy these requirements. This paper describes the modifications for the ability to withstand a severe earthquake, the reliability of the guard vessel in the primary coolant leak, and the reliability of expansion joints in a sodium-water reaction. The evaluations of thermal transient, structural vibration with pump rotation and wear-out of IHX tubes, that has been adversely effected by the modifications, were described as well.



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