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ASTRID nuclear island design; Advances in French-Japanese joint team development of decay heat removal systems

Hourcade, E.*; Curnier, F.*; Mihara, Takatsugu ; Farges, B.*; Dirat, J.-F.*; Ide, Akihiro*

In the framework of the French-Japanese agreement signed in 2014, CEA, AREVA NP, JAEA, and MHI/MFBR is jointly performing components design of ASTRID such as Decay Heat Removal Systems (DHRS). This paper is giving highlights of ASTRID DHRS current strategy. Focus is made on operating temperature diversification for in-vessel heat exchanger as well as core catcher coolability by an original features such as heat exchanger located within reactor cold pool, whose design was taken over by Japan team since 2014.



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