Specs of special environment neutron single crystal diffractometer SENJU
Kiyanagi, Ryoji ; Ohara, Takashi ; Nakao, Akiko*; Hanashima, Takayasu*; Munakata, Koji*; Moyoshi, Taketo*; Kuroda, Tetsuya*; Tamura, Itaru ; Oikawa, Kenichi ; Kaneko, Koji ; Kawasaki, Takuro
SENJU is a TOF-Laue type neutron single crystal diffractometer built at BL18 in J-PARC/MLF and has been in operation since 2012. This instrument is designed to perform precise structure analyses of inorganic materials, small molecular materials and magnetic materials under special environment. With this instrument, highly efficient measurements of a small single crystal can be achieved utilizing the high flux white neutrons provided by J-PARC and multiple 2-dimentional detectors. 4K-cryostat is one of the most commonly used sample environment devices which is equipped with a 2-axis rotators at the cold head. Owing to this functionality, one can measure several different orientations of a sample without moving the cryostat nor without taking the sample out. The superconducting magnet which can generate 7T at most offers very clean data since no Bragg reflections originated from the magnet appear in the low-momentum transfer region. The measured data will be analyzed with a software called STARGazer, which can cover the visualization of the data, data reduction to histogram files, determination of the orientation matrixes and integration of peak intensity for further structure analyses.