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Report No.

Phonons of Fe-based superconductor Ca$$_{10}$$Pt$$_4$$As$$_8$$(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Pt$$_x$$As)$$_{10}$$

Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Kobayashi, Yoshiaki*; Suzukia, Kazunori*; Ito, Masayuki*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Bourges, P.*; Christianson, A. D.*; Nakamura, Hiroki  ; Machida, Masahiko  ; Sato, Masatoshi*

We report the results of inelastic neutron scattering measurements on particular phonons of a superconducting (SC) Ca$$_{10}$$Pt$$_4$$As$$_8$$(Fe$$_{1-x}$$Pt$$_x$$As)$$_{10}$$ with the onset transition temperature $$T_c sim 33$$ K to investigate mainly what roles orbital fluctuation plays in Cooper pairing, where we observed a slight softening of the in-plane transverse acoustic mode corresponding to the elastic constant $$C_{66}$$. This softening starts at temperature $$T$$ well above the SC $$T_c$$, as $$T$$ decreases. An anomalously strong change of the scattering intensity of in-plane optical modes was observed at the M point of the pseudo tetragonal reciprocal space in the range of 35 $$< omega <$$ 40 meV with decreasing $$T$$ from far above $$T_c$$. Because this $$omega$$ region mainly corresponds to the motion of Fe and As atoms in the FeAs planes, the finding presents information on the coupling between the orbital fluctuation of Fe $$3d$$ electrons and the lattice system, useful for studying the possible roles of orbital fluctuation in the pairing mechanism and/or the appearance of the so-called nematic phase.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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